"Attitude determines your altitude".
Attiutde is considered to be one of the key factors of success.
As by the above saying the extent to which we steer forward depends on the measure of attitude we possess. If we ask the people who had had their life sublime it will be found that they had an attitude for their goal.
Eventhough attitude is essential for a person to succeed in any field it should be noted that he should be an optimist. Developing positive thoughts can only solve a problem. There is no
use in lamenting over the problems or troubles that one faces in his life. The major weakness point that most of the people have is that they dont realise the imortance of optimism in their thoughts. They are unaware of the fact that how a negative thought would affect their future. Even in my life I have come across many incidents where I faced troubles just because I thought the other way. Thoughts are far more powerful than anything else in the world. Mind is a device that is continuously generating thougts whatever may be the situation thoughts are rised in our minds automatically. It is difficult to control our thoughts. Moreover, a person cannot be without thougts himself.

For example, you sit in a quite calm place and close your eyes. Just try to keep yourself off from any kind of thoughts that may come towards you or go out of your mind. You may say that I have successfully spent the time thinking nothing. But, the actual thing is that you were in the intention that you should nt think of anything, and that itself became a thought in your mind.
You cannot prevent your mind from generating thoughts, but we have the power to streamline our thoughts. If we develop such a concentration to have only positive thoughts we will realise that what is happening around us is nothing but the result of what we have thought. So let us have positive thoughts and make our life sublime.